How Many Storage Batteries Are Needed To Power A House

How Many Storage Batteries Are Needed To Power A House

The number of storage batteries needed to power a house will vary based on the size of the house, the average power consumption, and the number of solar panels installed. Calculating your requirements carefully and setting up a system designed for your energy needs is...
Government Grants for Battery Storage Systems

Government Grants for Battery Storage Systems

While the cost of solar panels and battery storage has decreased as the technology has improved, they are still a substantial investment. As the price has reduced, so has the number of years to break even, making them a more financially viable investment. This said,...
BSI Provides Best Practice Recommendations For Home Battery Installs

BSI Provides Best Practice Recommendations For Home Battery Installs

The new PAS issued by the BSI provides best-practice recommendations for home battery installs. It advises against installing batteries in lofts and voids such as under-stairs, but it is important to note that this is not a regulation, but rather a specification for...
Peak and Off Peak Hours For Electricity

Peak and Off Peak Hours For Electricity

One of the main problems facing the national grid is that electricity demand could be more consistent. Peak and off-peak hours refer to the times of day when the national grid experiences a higher demand for electricity than at other times. Understanding peak and...
Is Electricity Cheaper At Night?

Is Electricity Cheaper At Night?

The answer to this is – it depends. If you are on a standard energy contract, your electricity is charged at a flat rate, so you pay the same amount for each unit of energy used, regardless of the time of day or night. However, it will cost your energy provider more...