Health and Safety Policy
Puredrive Energy Health and Safety Statement
A safe workplace involves creating and maintaining an environment in which employees can work safely, and without risk to their physical and psychological health and welfare.
Puredrive Energy recognises and accepts its health and safety duties for providing a safe and healthy working environment (as far as is reasonably practicable) for all its workers (paid or voluntary) and other visitors to its premises under ‘The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974’, ‘The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005’, ‘The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’ and other relevant legislation and common law duties of care. We will assess the hazards and risks faced by our workforce in the course of their work and take action to control those risks to an acceptable tolerable level.
To achieve compliance with these commitments PUREDRIVE ENERGY LTD implements and maintains an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS), which processes constitute an integral part of the company’s business strategy and are designed to meet the requirements of ISO 45001:2018. The company will promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth by the continual improvement of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and by assessing potential impacts of climate change on our operations, processes and procedures to contribute to global sustainability efforts.
The company provides the necessary mechanisms, time, training and resources for participation and consultation of workers.
It is the duty of all Employees at work:
- To take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts and/or omissions at work and co-operate with us in fulfilling our statutory duties.
- Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety
- To carry out only the activities for which they have received health and safety training
- To take due regard of health and safety information and to utilise PPE when advised to do so
- To be aware of substances on site that may cause a danger to health e.g., Thinners and inform management immediately if such items are discovered
- To immediately report accidents and incident.
- To immediately report any near misses.
- This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed regularly, amended and updated as and when necessary and any such changes will be communicated to all employees
Health and Safety Policy Originally created: 29/07/2022 Updated by: Phil Warner (04/11/2024)
Revision: 2.3 Page 1 of 1