Energy Saving Tips – How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill
28 October 2024

Saving Money using solar panels and generating green energy
As energy prices have skyrocketed over the past few years, we are far more conscious of our energy usage and the impact of our actions on our bills.
There are many small ways we can reduce our consumption and therefore lower our energy bills. Not only does reducing our consumption improve our financial state, but it can also have a positive environmental impact. While the tips here are geared towards how to reduce your energy usage, and hence your energy bills, you could also consider investing in a solar panel system so that you can use the power of the sun to run your home and reduce your energy bills. Remember that if you invest in solar panels, also choose a home battery, so that you can store the energy that you generate during the day so that you can use it during the evening.
Quick and Easy Energy-Saving Tips
Making small changes can have a big impact, and while each individual change may only save a little, overall they can make a real change to your energy usage.
Turn Off Standby Appliances
Turning off appliances at the plug, rather than leaving them on standby, will save you money. You can get automatic timers for your plugs which can come on at set times of day.
Turn Off Unused Lights
Don’t leave the lights on! If you are not in a room, then don’t leave the lights on. This is an easy fix.
Use Energy-Efficient Bulbs
Look for energy-efficient light bulbs for your home, and gradually replace all your traditional bulbs with energy-efficient equivalents.
Manage Your Water Heating
Heating water needlessly is a waste of money. Think about the times when you actually need hot water, and make sure you have your water set on a timer to heat it for these times. You can also turn down the temperature that the water is heated to.
Smart Kitchen Practices
Think when you cook. If you are putting the oven on, why not put a few jacket potatoes in at the same time, or batch cook?
Moderate Effort Energy-Saving Strategies
You can spend a little bit to save in the long term with these energy-saving strategies.
Improve Home Insulation
Don’t let the heat escape! Block off drafts from doors with draft excluders, and seal any cracks.
Optimise Heating Usage
Turning down your thermostat even by one degree can save you money. Consider shortening the hours the heating is on. Make sure you aren’t endlessly heating rooms that you don’t use.
Upgrade Appliances and Systems
Look for new appliances which have good energy ratings, as these will use less energy. Look into smart systems which allow you to control the energy in your home more effectively.
Adopt Smarter Washing Habits
Wash at 30 degrees and only if it’s dirty! Reducing the heat of your washing machine by just 10 degrees will have an impact.
Larger Home Improvements for Energy Efficiency
If you have some potential to invest in your home, consider energy efficiency in your decisions. While these investments are larger, you will reap the rewards over the years.
Install or Upgrade Home Insulation
Much of the heat lost from a house goes out of the roof. Loft insulation is key to keeping your home warm and cosy. Even if you already have loft insulation it may be worth upgrading it.
Upgrade Windows and Doors
Upgrading your windows to double, or even triple-glazing will help keep the heat inside. Modern glazing will also help to reduce traffic noise.
Consider Solar Panels and Renewable Energy Sources
Solar panels are an excellent long-term investment, providing you with energy for your home from the power of the sun, and reducing your reliance on the grid. Make sure to choose a home battery as well with your solar panel system, so that you can store the energy generated during the day until the evening. Depending on your location it might be worth looking at other renewable energy sources, such as a wind turbine.
Invest in a High-Efficiency Boiler
If your current boiler is coming to the end of its life, you can invest in a new high-efficiency boiler. Modern boilers are far more efficient than the traditional old-style boilers.
Additional Tips to Lower Your Electricity Bill
As well as making changes to your home, there are a few things it is always good to do to help keep your electricity usage down.
Monitor Your Energy Usage
Use an energy tracker to make sure you aren’t inadvertently using too much energy. Keep an eye on your usage, and see what effect small changes can have.
Check Your Energy Tariff
Remember to shop around, as your current provider may not be offering the best deal for your needs.
Maintain Your Heating System
Regular maintenance of your heating system will keep it in good order, and help it run more efficiently and economically.
Home-Specific Energy-Saving Tips
Large houses can easily be an energy drain. Remember to turn the heating down to a minimum in rooms that you are not using, so that you aren’t needlessly heating an empty space. Rented properties may need updating, so can be hard to manage, but think creatively. If the windows are old and don’t retain the heat, invest in heavy-duty curtains to help reduce heat loss. If you are looking for a new home keep in mind that your energy bill will be a significant factor, and ensure that you choose a home that is efficient, or that you can update to be more energy efficient.
Reduce Your Energy Bills With Duracell Energy products
One of the best ways to reduce your home energy bills is with a complete solar power system, including a Duracell Energy home battery. Duracell Energy home batteries, EV chargers, and inverters all work together with our impressive app to give you complete control of your entire household energy system. Embrace a greener tomorrow, with Duracell Energy home batteries today. Simply use our online quote calculator to help you choose the best solar battery storage set-up for your home.